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1NG February

Miss Gibbs has decided she would like a time machine, so she can slow time down!!! Where did February go? Another busy month of learning in class 1NG. Thank goodness we take so many photographs of our learning as I forget how much learning we do.

In February we came to the end of our learning about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. The children learned so many historical facts about the two pioneering ladies and developed their research and investigation skills through this learning. In our final lesson the children developed their geographical skills comparing the UK and Jamaica where the famous Nurses came from. The children compared the climate, the houses and the food grown in each country. The ladies came from very different countries but both achieved great things, what inspirational people to introduce the children of class 1NG to. Some children have now said they would like to ne Nurses when they are older!

Miss Gibbs has also had lots of learning to do in February too, she had to learn a new way to teach Addition and Subtraction! Yes, teachers learn new things all of the time too! We also have another new learner in our class in February as we have welcomed Miss Webster a student teacher from Warwick University. This week the children have been learning about friendship in RE. They made this amazing 'Friendship Web'. The children had to pass the wool to their friend and explain why they were their friends. So many kind words were said!