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3AF - December Learning in action


This month, in science we have been learning about animals including humans. We have leant about the skeleton and what is does, including allowing us to move and protecting our organs. We learnt that our bones can't move without our muscles, so we made models to allow us to see how our muscles work.


Science day

We finished the term how we started, looking at poo! We learnt about our digestive system and created an experiment which allowed us to see how the different parts of our digestive system work. We used a plastic bag as the stomach, tights as the small intestines and a cup for the large intestine.

I enjoyed squeezing the poo along the tights and out of the cup. 


Iron Age 

This month, in topic we have moved onto the Iron Age. We have look at the differences between Stone age, Bronze age and Iron age houses. In teams we worked together to draw an aerial view of a Iron Age hillfort.



In RE week we learnt what Christians believe about Christmas. We listened to the Christmas story and then made Christingles, which represent: Jesus, the world, the four compass directions and the fruits of the world.


Explorer day

We were all very excited for explorer day and wanted to know what topic we were going to be learning about in January. Each team was given an invention and we had to decide when we thought it was made, what it was for and who made it. Each team then presented their ideas to the class. After all of the teams had presented, we were right and guessed our new topic is Ancient Egypt!


Christmas around the world day

For the day we learnt how Mexico celebrate Christmas. Some traditions are the same as here such as getting present and having a nativity, however there were lots of differences. In Mexico they do not get presents until January 6th as this is when the wise men visited Jesus, the night before this children leave shoes by windows for the wise men to leave their presents in. We made our own nativity scenes and poinsettia plants as these are both found in Mexican homes at Christmas.