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3KA - December Learning in Action 

December was another super busy and exciting month of learning in 3KA!


In English, we finally figured out whole stole the fish in our class text - some of the children were very surprised that the thief was a woman! We also explored the plot structure of detective stories and created our own characters - a wise detective and a sneaky snowman who loved to play tricks on people in the wintry park.

"I loved the hot write!" - Abaid


"I've enjoyed English - especially the story about an evil snowman." - Alex


In Maths, we have continued our learning on column addition and subtraction - it was super tricky at times, especially when renaming across two columns! The children were also introduced to a new method in maths - using a bar model to represent the numbers in addition and subtraction word problems. Finally, we began to work on multiplication, focussing on learning and using the 3, 4 and 8 times tables.

"Maths is exciting, I love doing column method because I've got really good at it." - Klaudia

"Maths is really interesting." - Sharone

Special Learning Days


We held a science day where we investigated how our digestive system works. We made a model of the human digestive system, using a ziploc bag to represent the stomach. We filled the bag with banana and crackers, adding water and orange juice to represent the stomach acids. After squishing the banana and crackers, we passed them through the leg of a pair of tights (to represent the intestines), squeezing the food down to release the liquid. When all the liquid was gone, we pressed the squished up food through the base of a paper cup to show what happen when our food turns into poop! It was super exciting and very messy! 

"I've enjoyed learning about how our bodies make poop!" - Stephanie

"I enjoyed science because I liked seeing how our body works, especially how we poop!" - Uwakmfon


Learning Together

Some of the children's parents joined us in class for one of our English lessons. It was fabulous to see parents and siblings getting stuck into the learning and sharing ideas. 

"I liked having my little sister do my learning with me." - Rama

"It was amazing to have mum here with me." - Sharone






Explorer Day

On Explorer Day, our new topic - Ancient Egyt - was introduced. Next term we will be thinking like innovators and focussing our learning on the amazing innovations of the Ancient Egyptian civilisation. The children were astonished to didiscover that the Egyptians were building the pyramids at the same time as Stonehenge was being built!

Christmas Celebrations