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4KT March Learning in Action


We started this half term by learning how to divide numbers. We thought the hardest part was the long ‘bus stop’ method, but we called on our school values to help, and Resilient Ronnie and Never Give Up Neiko got us through! 

We have been learning how to read and understand graphs. We have looked at bar graphs and line graphs and discussed which sorts we would use to represent different sets of data.

This week, we have started learning about fractions. So far we have learnt to count in hundredths and also how to write mixed numbers!

“It’s been interesting learning about fractions because there are a lot of things to take in, which makes it a lot more challenging. I like a challenge!” Harley, 4KT.



We have been using lots of descriptive techniques to help us write a setting and character description for our myth. We used personification, amazing adjectives, alliteration, expanded noun phrases and similes to help improve our writing even further! We then used these to help us to write our very own myth!

In our grammar sessions, we have had a focus on editing and up-leveling our own writing and that of others and correcting grammatical errors.

This week, we had a debate based on our class text, ‘Who Let the Gods Out’. We debated whether or not Elliot should be excluded from Byresmore Academy for attempting to cheat in his History exam. We used our ideas to help us to plan a balanced argument, which we will be writing up in our next lesson.


Creative Curriculum

We have been looking at a range of Ancient Greek vase designs and how the Greeks used repeating patterns. We came up with our own pattern designs, then chose one of the vase types used in Ancient Greek times and created our own pots!




In Science, we have been learning all about light. We have learned about light sources, mirrors, reflection and how to stay safe in the sun. We even made posters to advise people on staying safe in the sun – we are going to take them when we go to the beach in June and put them up in some shops and cafes!