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April - Learning in Action!

Well, April seems to have come and gone in a flash but there has still been time for some super learning in 4RD!



Over the Spring term, Year 4 have been working really hard on their proof-reading skills. Miss Dolman was so impressed with the amount of mistakes 4RD can now spot quickly and they are working hard to apply their new learning into their own writing. After a mighty thirteen weeks reading Who Let the Gods Out, the children have finally been able to complete their Hot Writes, writing their own fantasy stories that include mythological creatures and characters. The children planned some brilliant pieces of writing. They worked quietly and sensibly to produce their best pieces of learning, our Quiet Critters were even able to come and watch us do our learning!

Here are a few snippets from some of our super learning:

"Who came to my dungeon to be demolished!" roared the Overlord. Both brothers were in shock to see the gigantic mouth open before them. 
"Ready?" said Adam, and James nodded.  "Here we go" 


Storm was the strongest of all. His strong, giant muscles were the size of watermelons. 


Layla was extremely smart, her hair glowed behind her when she galloped on the ocean floor. The palace was made of extraordinary crystals that shimmered in the sunlight. There were crystals that glowed majestically in the palace.


Returning from the fantastic Easter holidays, the children are now going to be focusing on a new story (Juana and Lucas) as well as aiming to write their very own newspaper reports by the end of this half term.



Fractions still proved quite tricky before the Easter holidays but the class have definitely made progress in their knowledge of fractions, particularly with mixed numbers, improper fractions and converting between the two!

Now, we say goodbye to fractions and hello to telling the time!

It was promising to see so many of the children seem to be enjoying our work with clocks already, although we’re having to work hard when converting time between hours, minutes and seconds!



In April, we have been focusing on light. The children started the topic with good foundations of light and where light comes from, and we have since been able to build on that knowledge. The children have enjoyed exploring through different investigations, including looking at UV rays and their effects on the human body, how light helps create a reflection in a mirror and how shadows are created by an object blocking the light.


We are now moving onto our next topic: State of Matter.


Creative Curriculum – Sailing Away from Ancient Greece

As we reached the end of our second Creative Curriculum topic, the children took part in a number of practical and artistic sessions. The children spent a few lessons designing their very own Greek vases, planning, sketching and eventually perfecting their piece of art. The children showed patience and resilience when they were creating their vases and produced some really impressive artwork!  









The class was split into small groups and were asked to create freeze-frames to show the different stages of the Trojan War. The children were fantastic and got really involved in the process and seemed to enjoy learning about the Trojan Horse that was built to sneak soldiers into Troy.



Roll, Camera, Action!

It’s nearly time for the Year 4 performance!

All of Year 4 have been working hard to perfect their lines, learn the beat to the songs and give it their all! We hope you will join us for our performance of The Day the Joseph Cash Crayons Quit on Wednesday 8th May at 2.30pm.