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February Learning in Action

Arghhhhh Spider! 

We loved listening to this story by Lydia Monks, lots of us decided that we actually wouldn't mind having a spider for a pet after all. We made our own spiders using paint and googly eyes. 


Mrs Ward tweeted the author Lydia Monks to let her know that we all loved the book, and she replied! Lydia was really impressed with our learning and said hello to everyone! 


After the half term we all came back to some lovely sunshine, Nursery have loved learning outside with Reception. Take a look and see what we've been up to:



The Selfish Crocodile

This has been our story for the first week back after the half term. We spoke about how at the start of the story the crocodile didn't have any friends because of the way he was acting. Luckily at the end of the story the crocodile realises that being kind is much more important, and more animals wanted to play with him in the end. We have to try and remember to be kind in Nursery too. 


Some children retold the story using props! They could remember lots of what happened. 



Wow what amazing learning..keep it up Nursery!