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Full Governors Meeting April

Presentations led by Mrs Giblin and Mrs Cooper started our governor meeting this evening. 

Mrs Giblin leads on Pupil Premium children (PP) throughout the school and Mrs Cooper leads on Special Educational Needs (SEND). They both shared what they have been up to in the last few terms with our children. 

Provision maps are used by class teachers to ensure that children on the SEN register are receiving the correct intervention to support their needs. Teachers review these provision maps each term.

Pupil Premium children are also tracked using a provision map throughout the school to ensure that they are being best supported to close the gaps with their peers. 

Mrs Giblin shared the PP Strategy Document (Available on the website) and the desired outcomes. 

A. KS2 data combined RWM to be improved and sustained.

B. Improve attainment in writing

C. To raise attainment of PP children in each year group to close the gap

D. Love learning clubs

E. Raising aspirations

F. Reading and Writing Focus across the school

 Mrs Cooper shared examples of IPP's and that all parents are invited to a meeting to share the IPP with their teacher and child. Specific targets are celebrated to show small individual steps personalised to the child's needs. 

 Mrs Giblin took many of our PP children to Warwick University to raise aspirations of all children. What a super opportunity for Joseph Cash. Two of our parents came to support this trip,


It was also nice for him to see me doing something and achieve something.

Said one of our parents. Mrs Giblin shared examples of how this has improved lots of children's writing in their class. They were able to use this experience to inform their writing. 

Mrs Cooper shared examples of pupil and parent voice and that 100% of comments were positive. Case studies of SEN children show the impact of the Overcoming Barriers Intervention groups across the school with evidence in data, pupil voice and a showcase of their learning. 

Love learning clubs have been set up during lunch times to encourage the children to access activities within school time if they are not available to attend after school. The debating club have written to Parliament AND received a letter back which the children shared in assembly.