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Helloooo January 2019!

Helloooo January!

2ED Loved our first week back right at the beginning of January. (Christmas seems like an age ago now!)

Art week was so much fun. Loads of skills were being developed and the children used their Growth Mindset Values to aid the successful week. Well done to Miss Gibbs who has done an amazing display with our fishy art work.

After getting back into routine we have been focusing on the traditional story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ in English and ‘Multiplication’ in Maths. The children have become really competitive in learning their 2, 5 and 10 timetables and are really pushing themselves when explaining how they know the answer to multiplication equations!! By the way, do you know what an expanded noun phrase is? Then ask your child they can show you.

We have begun our PE lessons with the CCFC coach, been looking at our favourite toys in Creative Curriculum and much, much more….keep your eye on twitter for more weekly learning updates.