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June Blog for 2GC

This month we celebrated Father's Day by making some cards all about our  special Dads to share with them. Here are some drawings the children did on Seesaw to thank their Dads for all they do for them.

The year 2GC teachers were very excited to receive upgraded class laptops to help them run the lessons. We celebrated this and all the children's brilliant behaviour, by all sharing an 'afternoon tea' outside in the sunshine. We are looking forward to an end of year picnic in July - look for photos in next month's blog.


This month we have enjoyed learning all about instructions! We started the unit by making our very own jam sandwiches and then had to explain to someone how to make a sandwich.

We then learned that aliens had invaded our playground and we learned ‘How to Catch and Alien’ to help Mr Davis. We learned these instructions through Talk for Writing.

We learned all about imperative verbs and how they are needed to write instructions.

We also watched a clip from Toy Story to help us write instructions on ‘How to fix Woody.’

Our final writing piece was about ‘How to Catch a Dragon’ and we completed some fab instruction writing.


In maths, we have been learning all about money and how to use this knowledge to answer word problems. Here is some of our amazing learning…

We also have recapped our number bonds and written methods.

How many different ways can you make the number 17?

Creative Curriculum

This month the children have continued with their topic 'To Infinity and Beyond'. They found out lots more information about the British explorer Captain James Cook who discovered Australia in 1770. Here is some the amazing learning they completed on seesaw.

The children then went on to study the human and physical geographical features of Australia including Uluru - Ayers Rock and the Sydney Opera House. They learned about the capital city, the oceans surrounding Australia as well as the different regions making up this amazing country.

The children then moved on to learning about the famous American Astronaut Neil Armstrong and his bravery when stepping onto the moon for the first time in 1969. The children read a fact file all about him and answered some comprehension questions. The children then made their own movable fact dials which included lots of information about the moon that they researched using the internet.

Science - Living things and their habitats

The children continued with their final Science unit of the year by investigating the micro-habitats in our school grounds. What could they find hiding under rocks and logs and inside holes in the trees?

The creatures soon ran away once they heard the children's squeals of excitement when discovering their hiding places!

On Seesaw the children investigated a range of habitats and the animals found their - this was followed up in class when the children used the IPads to record animals and plants living in deserts, rainforest, grasslands and polar regions.

The children linked their Science and Creative Curriculum learning by studying the habitats of the coral reefs found off Western Australia in the Great Barrier Reef. They went on a virtual dive under the Pacific Ocean to explore this beautiful under the sea world. Here are some of their drawings they made of the animals they discovered.

One day some of the children hope to dive here for real.

Art and Computing

The children linked their learning on Australia to learning more about the traditional painting techniques of the aborigines of Australia. They also watched some Aborigines playing a traditional didgeridoo. The children used the techniques learned to paint their own dot paintings of snakes.

In computing the children learned coding and how to program a route for their own beebots.


The themes this month for PSHE have included collaboration, gender stereotyping, inclusion for people with disabilities and how to define and gain support if bullying occurs in school. Here are some photos of the children taking part in a collaboration challenge set for them in a class assembly.

In RE the children studied Judaism and the ten commandments found by Moses on Mount Sinai. There are the rules Jewish families try to follow to be be good Jews. We found a lot of these rules are found across other religions too. The children then made their own creation moving books sharing what Jews believe about the World being created in 6 days.

PE and Sport

What an exciting month June was for all of the children at Joseph Cash. We had a visit from the Olympic Torch, took part in a special celebration of skipping across Coventry and then proudly won Sport's Day for Key Stage One. Lots of shouts and screams could be heard as Mrs Nelson and Mrs Scott let off 2 confetti canons in our class to crown us as this year's sporting champions - something we will remember forever.

This Month's Challenge

Can you make a sun safety poster to share in class?