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Reception - The Tiger Who Came to Tea

On Monday morning the children and teachers were in for a shock when they arrived at school and found that the classroom had been completely turned upside down.

Throughout the morning we kept hearing a mysterious 'rooooaaar' and many of the children suggested that an animal might be to blame for the chaos. 

We shared the story 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea' by Judith Kerr, about a very hungry tiger who visited a little girl called Sophie and ate up all of the food in the cupboards. This inspired the children to think about who had ruined our classroom and what they might do about it. Many of them decided that it must have been a tiger and they made some excellent WANTED posters in the writing area.

Some children thought about how they could catch the tiger if he came back which led to some interesting creations in the constructipn area.

In the role play area, the children had a go at recreating the story and imagined themselves in various roles. Kaycia- Lea asked what Sophie's mum was called in the story.

I don't think she has a name in the story, maybe you can think of one.

said Ms Gosling. 

I think she should be called Vicky!

said Kaycia-Lea. What a great idea!

The children decided that they would write shopping lists of all the food they would like to buy for the tiger if he returned. But he hasn't yet...