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World Book Day

Wow! What an eventful day! The children looked wonderful in their fantastic costumes and had a fun-filled day centred around books.




It was so lovely to see so many of our parents share our wonderful performance of 'The Gingerbread Man'. The children, as always, made the teachers very proud performing with such confidence. 



 Use the story map to retell the story at home. You can also share the story on Cashanory read by Miss Baker this week:)

 The children have been inspired by our retelling of the story that they have written some amazing pieces! They have learnt to write speech bubbles for the different characters, label with a sentence and begin to write their own story! 






 In maths, the children have been practising applying their doubling knowledge to number sentences. They are able to use dots to help them solve the answers and are beginning to know doubling facts to 10 independently. 

I know that double 6 is 12

Says Liliana!



Thank you to our wonderful parents for your feedback on our week! We love to hear what you have to say...