External Agencies
Learning Mentors work with a whole range of external agencies in a variety of ways to support our families and children.
We Signpost or complete referrals for families to access the support they choose to access.
See below for a range of information about each agency, how JC and the agency can support you and links to their website.
Coventry Haven
Coventry Haven supports women to access advice and support on Domestic Violence, Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence and FGM.
The service can over refuge, safe accommodation, legal advice and create safety plans.
At Josep Cash the Pastoral Team can support parents or family members to make contact with the service.
Representatives from Coventry Haven have drop in sessions on our Red Bus and Coffee afternoons, they have a stand at our Summer fair and are always at the end of the phone if we need to make contact.
Coventry Women's Partnership
The partnership is led by FWT, an award winning women only organisation, with 28 years' experience of removing barriers facing women in Coventry.
The aim of the partnership is to help women to overcome financial difficulties and improve their social and emotional well-being.
The partnership also includes a number of key delivery organisations:
- Coventry Haven - who deliver refuge and outreach services to women and their children
- CRASAC (Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre) - who provide dedicated specialist services to victims and survivors of sexual violence
- Kairos Women Working Together - who aim to increase life chances, choices and the well-being of women caught up in prostitution
- Central England Law Centre - who will provide legal advice and assistance to project beneficiaries
The project will enable all partners to strengthen their delivery across Coventry and develop a holistic programme of support aimed at improving women's financial security.
Coventry Women's Partnership who link to a whole range of other agencies for women to access training opportunities and develop their skills, widen their network.
If you would like support from this service please speak to our Pastoral Team for contact to be made.
There is normally a foodbank centre open somewhere in the City of Coventry 7 days a week as Coventry Foodbank distributes food through 16 partner churches.
Our foodbank is a project founded by local churches and community groups, working together towards stopping hunger in our local area.
We aim to provide our clients with three days worth of emergency food, along with other support beyond food to help them solve their crisis and last year we fed just under 15,800 clients.
Other services we provide our clients, include money management advice, support from our partnership with Citizens Advice and the clothes bank which provides good quality pre-loved clothes for people in crisis.
If you would like a foodbank voucher please pop onto the Red Bus in the morning or come to the school office and ask to speak to a member of Pastoral Team. We are able to issue Foodbank vouchers on the same day you request one.
The staff and pupils at Joseph Cash will often raise money and donations to support the Foodbank as it is one of our local charities who we value greatly. If you would like to know more about taking part and supporting our fundraising please make contact with the school.
The 'Breakthrough' Programme Management Team are pleased to be working alongside a team of Core Delivery Partners to deliver the Building Better Opportunities programme across Coventry & Warwickshire;
Bedworth, Rugby and Nuneaton Citizens Advice Bureau (BRANCAB) (lead organisation for the Programme)- Coventry Citizens Advice Bureau
- Groundwork West Midlands
- North Warwickshire Citizens Advice Bureau
- Rugby Citizens Advice Bureau
- Citizens Advice South Warwickshire
Money Mentors form a pivotal part of the programme by 'coming alongside' and providing intense client centred support, tailored to the individual to assess barriers and needs. Each participant will have a designated Money Mentor to support them to develop their personalised action plan and their progress through the programme. Money Mentors will encourage and empower their clients aspirations and aim to promote self help.
- Support includes :
Resolving immediate issues - providing advice on debt, welfare, housing, relationships, disability issues, consumer and finance. - Planning for the future - maximising income, personal development planning, helping people to overcome barrier to progression.
- Developing Skills and Confidence - offering a range of activities to encourage skills development in areas such as basic IT, cooking on a budget, developing numeracy and literacy skills.
- Work Experience and employability skills - offering volunteering and work placement, support with CV writing, support with job search and helping to develop interview skills.
- Barrier Breaking - support is individually tailored to individual needs and a mutually agreed personalised package is put in place.
Breakthrough project which aims to help parents into work through small steps, provide benefit advice, apply for charity grants, give debt advice
If you feel you would like support from Breakthrough, please speak to one of our Pastoral Team and an initial meeting can be arranged at school.
Breakthrough partners are always visiting JC, whether it be for drop in sessions on the Red Bus, being available during coffee afternoons, having a stand during parents events and fairs or providing CPD for our staff. We have worked very closely together over the last year and have seen the impact their support has had on our families.
Heat And Eat
Eat or Heat is registered charity who aim to educate parents and help them economically heat their home and make meals.
Eat or Heat have run a very successful course of session at JC, supporting and teaching parents how to prepare economic meals.
If you would like to attend the next course run at the school by Eat or Heat, or would like the school to put you in contact with the organisation , please speak to a member of the Pastoral Team.
Switch and Save
Switch and Save helps Coventry residents see if they can get a better deal for their energy. Many struggle to afford their gas and electricity bills and this scheme offers a simple way for people to spend less by switching to cheaper tariffs.
Switch and Save had a very successful visit to our Parents Evening in Autumn 2018, a number of parents signed up and parents received a number of goodies including energy saving light bulbs and standby switches.
The Children’s Society’s Streetwise Project supports young people who are have been sexually exploited. They also raise awareness of the dangers of grooming and cyber-grooming and support young people to stay safe.
Streetwise come into JC and work with pupils to develop their E-Safety knowledge. They deliver information sessions for parents ad children in Years 5 and 6.
Protective Behaviours
We work with agencies who come in and deliver sessions to children from reception to year 6 throughout the school year.
School Nursing Team
Joseph Cash have excellent relationships with the local School Nursing team. They regularly support a number of our events; Parents evening, Red Bus drop in sessions, Coffee Afternoons, EYFS new to school meetings.
They readily available to support individual children and their families on a range of subjects, through 1-1 session with pupils, support meetings with parents.
The team offer guidance and support to school staff to ensure that we all have up to date knowledge to ensure all pupils are looked after safely if they have medical conditions, concerns or allergies.
If you have any concerns about your child and would like a school nurse referral please speak to a member of the Pastoral Team.
Community Police
At JC we have strong links with the local Community Police. We are able contact them an request that they work with a range of pupils, in both a proactive and reactive approach.
They have worked with small groups, year groups or 1-1 sessions with children to talk about a range of subjects, most commonly around friendships and safety.
Fire Service
The Fire service provide safety leaflets for parents to access, arrange home fire safe checks, talk to our children about people who help us.