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At Joseph Cash we have been on a journey with our lunchtime play provision over that last few years. Three years ago we made the decision to become an OPAL school and have been following their guidance and working towards creating an outstanding lunchtime provision.

 At the end of October we had our final OPAL audit and achieved PLATINUM which is the highest level we can achieve.

We are extremely proud of all the pupils and the staff team who played a part in helping to achieve this award.


What is OPAL? 

OPAL is the approach we use to support our lunch time play offer... Outdoor Play and Learning! 

Pupils of all ages mix together and play with a range of equipments and resources and their imagination across the school playground, field and Forest School area. 

The lunchtime provision is run by our school Support Staff and Pastoral Team. Staff have an area they are responsible for and the school grounds are split into sections.



To see OPAL in ACTION view our PADLET ... (follow the view or scan the QR Code)



Clothes and Donations 

Children will access the outside in all weathers. We request that pupils always have their coat, wellies and football boots if they choose to play on the field. 

We welcome donations of any toys, wheeled items, construction to support us to keep replenishing our resources.