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What to do if your Child is unwell?

If your Child is unwell and unable to attend School you must inform the office for each day of absence, before 9a.m. You will be asked to provide medical evidence if your Child’s attendance is below 95%. Please contact the School office on 02476 594851.
Children with diarrhoea or vomiting should be kept off School for 2 days after their symptoms have gone.
If your Child has fever they will need to be kept off School until the fever goes away.
You do not need to keep your child off School if they have conjunctivitis, head lice or threadworms however please inform the Class Teacher and be vigilant in treating these conditions to prevent the infection being passed on to another Child or member of staff.
If you have any concerns or are unsure if your child is well enough to come to School, please talk to a member of staff who will be happy to give advice and support.

Guidance on absence from school due to illness


The following table is to be used in conjunction with the 2017 Health Protection Agency (HPA) orange poster.

Guidance on Infection Control in Schools and other Child Care Settings.

It is intended as an “exclusion at a glance” guide only.


Exclusion from school


Chicken pox

Until all vesicles have crusted over.



Diarrhoea and/or


For 48 hours from last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting.

E.coli O157

48 hours from the last episode of diarrhoea. Longer exclusion may be required for some children. Consult HPA.

Food poisoning

Until free of symptoms (diarrhoea and/or vomiting) for 48 hours.

Flu (influenza)

Until recovered.

German Measles (rubella)

Four days from onset of rash.

Glandular Fever


Hand, foot and mouth


Head lice


Hepatitis A

For 7 days from onset of jaundice (or seven days after symptom onset if no jaundice)


Until lesions are crusted or healed or 48 hours after commencing antibiotic treatment.


For 4 days from onset of rash.


Exclude child for 5 days after onset of swelling.


Exclusion not usually required.


For 6 days from onset of rash.


Child can return after first treatment has commenced.

Scarlet Fever

Child can return 24 hours after commencing appropriate antibiotic treatment.

Slapped Cheek (firth disease)

None once rash has developed.


Exclude only if rash is weeping and cannot be covered.

Shigella (dysentery)

For 48 hours from last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting. Longer exclusion may be required for some children. Consult HPA.






For two weeks after treatment has started. HPA will advise on action.

Typhoid (and paratyphoid)

For 48 hours from last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting. Longer exclusion may be required for some children. Consult HPA.

Whooping Cough

48 hours from commencing antibiotic treatment or 21 days from onset of illness if no antibiotic treatment.

Chicken Pox

Does your child have chicken pox? 

1. Chickenpox starts with red spots.

They can appear anywhere on the body.

2. The spots fill with fluid. The blisters may burst.
They might spread or stay in a small

3. The spots scab over. More blisters might appear while others scab over.

 What to do if you have Chicken pox;

• Drink plenty of fluid (try ice lollies if your child isn't drinking) to avoid dehydration.
• Take paracetamol to help with pain and discomfor.t
• Put socks on your child's hands at night to stop scratching.
• Cut your child's nails.
• Use cooling creams or gels from your pharmacy.
• Speak to your pharmacist about using antihistamine medicine to help itching.
• Bathe in cool water and pat the skin dry (don't rub).
• Dress in loose clothes.

You'll need to stay away from school and Nursery until you've stopped getting any new spots and for at least 5 days after the first spots appeared. You need to wait until all the spots have healed or crusted over before going back to School.


Do not use ibuprofen – it can make someone with chickenpox very ill.

Do not give aspirin to children under 16. 

 Above guidance is from;