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6MG November Learning in Action



This term we've been reading the exciting horror story, 'Frankenstein' which has kept us gripped until the end! We're now moving onto writing our own horror stories. Who's your favourite horror writer/character? 


In Maths we've had to use our Growth Mindset, 'Try New Things Taylor' to solve tricky word problems including adding and subtracting proper and improper fractions. 


In Creative Curriculum we've been learning about the Silk Route in Ancient Islamic Civilisations. We also created Mosques using collage materials, water colours to create a scene from the River Nile and we've studied and designed various Islamic patterns. 


For WOW week, Year 6 had a visitor from the RSPB who came to teach us about conservation and how to look after birds during the cold winter months. We made bird feeders and created persuasive posters to support the RSPB. We also created lots of interesting art using materials from outside, such as sketches and collages. We also had the opportunity to practice our knitting skills!

As well as this, we took part in an exciting Enterprise Project. We were put into teams like the TV show the Apprentice and we had to complete different tasks throughout the week in order to win. We had to research, design and market a product to sell at this year’s Christmas Fayre. We surveyed children on the playground and from that came up with different ideas. By the end of the week, we were ready to present our products to the children in Year 5, Mrs. Scott and parents who all voted for the best ideas. The winning two products will now be sold at this Year’s Christmas Fayre! So be sure to find the Year 6 stall – some great games and treats will be waiting for you! 







1) Can you unscramble these letters to name this famous horror author?


2) Can you now make your own for someone in your class to solve?