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Happy New Year! It's 2019 and 4RD have had a fantastic start to the new year. Read on to find out what's been happening so far...


Art and DT Week - Unde the Sea!

2019 got off to a great start as Year 4 worked on different art projects over the first week. The whole school was busy making things for a big 'Under the Sea' display and Year 4 were in charge of...Sea turtles!

"It was exciting because we discovered how to make new things."


We made sea turtles out of paper. First, we cut out oval shapes and then chopped slips around them. We made the turtle shell by gluing all of the slips together so that the piece of card curved like a shell. We all managed to make a sea turtle shell, however it was tricky...

"It was super hard!"



"It was challenging but I enjoyed it!"

In addition to our paper/card sea turtles, we also made 3D sea turtles! We blew up balloons to make the shell shape and then covered it with Modroc. We needed to let it set but once it was dry, we painted them in lots of different colours. After that, we used cardboard to cut out shapes for the head and flippers.

Greetings from Ancient Greece!

This term, we are learning about Ancient Greece. So far, we have compared ancient and modern-day Greece, as well as looking at two of the country's famous city-states, Athens and Sparta. 

We have written postcards from Greece, although unfortunately we didn't get to visit! We discovered that the Greeks eat lots of salad and were mainly vegetarians. Greeks were often farmers and they ate a lot of fennel, chickpeas, cucumber, celery and asparagus.

Did you know...?
Greeks used to boil dandelions and eat stinging nettles!


Recently, we have been looking at two city-states from Ancient Greece. Athens and Sparta were both built near mountains. 

Athens is famous for the Parthenon, a special temple built for the goddess Athena. She protected the city-state.

Did you know...?
Athens is the capital of Greece!


Sparta was the military state and had two kings from two different families, although they didn't always get on. Sparta didn't have fancy buildings because they thought it would make them soft. They kept their focus on being strong warriors!

As a class, we debated which city-state was the best. It was incredibly close but the summariser for Athens made sure that their team won! There was a fantastic effort made by everyone.

Science - Living Things

So far in science, we have been looking at ways of identifying different animals and grouping them. We found that there are five groups we can use to categorise animals. They are: Fish, Birds, Reptiles, Mammals and Amphibians.

Did you know...?

 - "Mammals don't lay eggs and they usually have fur or hair."

 - "Reptiles have scales and they lay eggs."

 - "Reptiles are cold-blooded, just like fish and amphibians!"

 - "Birds have wings to fly and they lay eggs."

We are looking forward to finding out more about different animals in the rest of our science lessons this half term.

Who let the Gods Out?


We've been reading a new book called Who Let the Gods Out? So far, Elliot (a mortal) has met Virgo from the Zodiac Council up in the sky. We've just found out that Elliot has freed a Daemon. Not just any Daemon: the King of Daemons!
What will happen next?

We have also been writing diary entries from the perspectives of Elliot and Virgo. We'll soon be researching Stonehenge as well as myths from Ancient Greece!

Mrs Nettey visited Year 4 to tell us that the author, Maz Evans, had replied to us on Twitter and would love to see some of our writing about the book. We can't wait to send her some pictures of our work!


We are Rockstars!

In maths, we've been really busy practicing our times tables and looking at multiplication and division word problems. Miss Dolman is hopeful that Year 4 will be the winners on the Times Table Rockstar Day (Friday 1st February 2019)!