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May Blog for 2GC

We were very happy this month to welcome another child into our class – Royce. We hope you will have lots of fun at Joseph Cash.  

We raised some money for the NSPCC on Numbers Day- 7th May. Here we are dressed up in our number or maths themed clothes. 


This term we have enjoyed learning Speckle the Spider.

We became news reporters and wrote our very own newspapers. Here is some of our amazing learning…

We also created some online using Seesaw:


We have carried on completed our weekly Year 2 spellings and are producing some fantastic results. Well done 2GC!


This month we have been focussing on telling the time. We made our very own clocks and used these to help us solve problems about time. We have been learning o’clock , half past, quarter to and quarter past.


Creative Curriculum

This month the children have continued to learn about the oceans and continents. They learned all about the Mariana trench at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean and Victor Vescovo and his team of explorers. We researched all about their submarine and the creatures they found in the trench.

The children used their new found knowledge of the oceans and continents to make their own balloon globes.

On ‘Seesaw’ the children were set the challenge of labelling the oceans and continents here are some the children made.


The children have also been learning about the differences between human and physical geography. In their journals they were asked to sort pictures under the correct headings.

In history the children began learning about the ocean explorer Captain Cook and how he found Australia on his ship called the Endeavour in 1770.


The children ended their Science topic this month by learning all about seed dispersal through land, air and water.

They had fun planting their own sunflower seeds and are looking forward to taking their seedlings home to plant in their gardens. I wonder whose will grow the tallest?


They began their final Science topic of the year called ‘Living things and their Habitats’. This was launched by learning about the dangers litter can pose to animals in the school habitat. The children were keen to go on a litter pick to prevent harm coming to our wildlife. They also went outside to explore and record how many living and non- living things they could find outside. They linked their maths skills by tallying their findings.

Willow did some brilliant home learning on ‘Seesaw’ sorting animals into their correct habitats. Can you name another animal that might live in the ocean or on a grassland?

Music and Computing

In computing the children continued to develop their programming skills using the beebot robots.

In music they had a new experience by having some taster sessions with a specialist music teacher and learning how to play violin and cello. What a wonderful new experience to have.


PSHE, Healthy living and Thrive

This month the children have been studying the following subjects – similarities and differences between boys and girls, gender stereotyping of toys and clothes, the importance of sleep, dreaming big about their future jobs and discussing different types of families. We all shared what was special about our families. We have also been trying to keep fit and healthy by walking the school mile a few times a week despite the rain this month.


It has been a special month for our Muslim children as they have been celebrating Ramadan and Eid. In RE we learned all about this special time and how it is celebrated. We learned about fasting, kind deeds, Iftar and the celebration of Eid al-Fitr. Here are some Ramadan moons and mosques made by the children to finish off their learning.