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Nursery have been very busy in March!

Week 1- Duck in a truck. 

Our learning this week was based around this super story by Jez Alborough.  We are beginning to notice words that rhyme such as duck, truck, stuck and muck! In the classroom there were plastic ducks in the water tray and a farmyard small world. Mrs Ward challenged us to think about different ways that duck could travel instead of using his truck. We came up with some excellent ideas and had a go at drawing these down. 

Look at all that super emergent writing! We are trying really hard to form some recognisable letters now too. 


Week 2- Mr Wolf's Pancakes

Our learning this week was based around this super book, it has a surprise ending! Can you remember what Mr Wolf does to his unkind neighbours who wouldn't help him to make the pancakes? 


We learnt a fantastic song as well as actions to go along with it. Mrs Monroe also made a song map to help us remember the order of the words and actions. We invited parents in to share our song, thank you to those of you that came and joined in with our story time too. 



Here is the link to our song so you can continue to share the song with family at home :) 


Week 3- The smartest giant in town


Our learning this week was based around this great book by Julia Donaldson. George in the story is such a kind giant and helps animals out on his way home. In the classroom we had a go at designing George new socks and ties using paint and glitter. We also had a go at counting out certain amounts of spots to place on different ties for George. 


Nursery also took part in Walk the Mile Wednesday. Mrs Ward was so impressed with the progress the children have made in their listening skills. We could follow instructions and listen really carefully to the sounds of birds, trains and the wind! We talked about the signs of Spring and could see flowers and plants that were beginning to regrow. When we go on our next wellie walk I'm sure the flowers will be in full bloom!



Week 4- A Squash and a Squeeze 



This week our story is 'A squash and a squeeze' by Julia Donaldson. We can now listen to stories for longer periods of time and can join in with repeated refrains. We are also learning to talk about the shapes of everyday objects and using positional language such as in, on, under, next to, behind. 



As well as all of this Nursery also took part in World Book Day!   Look at all of our amazing costumes:  


A day in the life of Nursery,  we are always so busy doing amazing learning :