Health Care
At Joseph Cash we aim to provide a safe and supportive environment which enables children to access their education, regardless of their medical need.
To do this we work closely alongside Parents Carers and Health Care Professionals to ensure we are meeting the needs of our Children. If your Child has a medical need, be it long or short term, a Member of the Pastoral team will put a plan in place to support your child.
This may include:
A personalised Health Care Plan
This document will be completed with the Parent to clearly outline the child’s medical condition. It will identify support or adjustments that need to be put in place.
If your child has to take medication on a regular basis this will be detailed in the Heal Care Plan, alongside parents’ consent to administer medication and emergency contact details.
This document is shared with staff who work closely with the Child to ensure they feel confident knowing what to do in an emergency. This is reviewed yearly or when the needs of the child change. It is important to inform the School of any changes to your Child’s medical condition.
Individual Risk Assessment
If you Child has suffered from an injury that has happened outside of School please inform a member of so we can ensure your child has the correct support in place. A member of the Pastoral Team will complete an Individual risk assessment to keep your child safe in School.
For example, if your child has suffered from a broken bone adaptions will need to be made so your Child is comfortable in School. The document will outline activities such as P.E where alternative provision may need to be put in place.
Health Care Professionals and how they can help
Our School works closely with the Family Health and Lifestyle Services.
Our Link Nurse is Val Baker who can offer support and advice on a range of areas including, bedtime routines, behaviour support, diet and exercise, health and wellbeing.
The Nurses work with Children aged 4 and above. A direct referral can be made or you can visit them on the Red Bus in School. Their drop-in sessions will be advertised in the School’s Newsletter.
With parent’s permission we can make contact with your G.P to gain further information to support your Child in School.
For Children who attend our Nursery provision or Little Ribbons, School staff can make links with your Child's Health Visitor if you have any concerns regarding your child’s health and development.
Medical appointments
We advise parents where possible to make medical and dental appointments outside of the School day. If this is not possible parents will be asked to show appointment letters to the School office.
What to do if your Child is unwell?
If your Child is unwell and unable to attend School you must inform the office for each day of absence, before 9a.m.
You will be asked to provide medical evidence if your Child’s attendance is below 95%. Please contact the School office on 02476 594851.
Children with diarrhoea or vomiting should be kept off School for 2 days after their symptoms have gone.
If your Child has fever they will need to be kept off School until the fever goes away.
You do not need to keep your child off School if they have conjunctivitis, head lice or threadworms however please inform the Class Teacher and be vigilant in treating these conditions to prevent the infection being passed on to another Child or member of staff.
If you have any concerns or are unsure if your child is well enough to come to School, please talk to a member of staff who will be happy to give advice and support.